I became a blogger in June 2012. My first page was about a statewide holiday in my own state. A month later, I had written several pages on topics that included Republican politics, non-partisan political science, and fiscally-responsible economics.
A month later, I started a second blog so that I could write about a wide variety of other subjects. My first page on that second blog told the true story, as I remember it, about an experience I had as a teenager, helping a friend who had a minor medical problem.
Sometime after that, I started writing sequels to some of my original pages. I did this even though some of those original pages had updates. In some cases, the pages that had updates were so long, it was difficult to organize the material, so I moved some of the material that had been on that page to a new page. In other cases, I knew ahead of time that I was going to write a series of pages about one topic, partly because I had a lot of material on that topic.
In one case, I knew that I was going to write a two-page series about Social Security because I had a lot of material about the problems with the current system and a lot of material about possible solutions to those problems.
These are the topics that I have written multiple pages about. The order of these topics is more-or-less the order that the first page in each series was published. Within each topic, the individual pages are usually arranged in the order that they were published, with the oldest ones being listed first.
The End of Congressional Racism I asked Congress to ignore the color of the skin of our last president and then to impeach him for the actions he took while in office.
If you See Racism, Speak Up was based on an anti-racism campaign that appeared on a college campus. It used reverse racism to fight racism, a tactic that will always produce racial hatred among many people. This page includes pairs of memes and videos about well-known people, including Barak Obama, Malcolm X, Al Sharpton, and two segregationists (George Wallace and Louis Farrakhan).
The Beginning of Color-Blindness shows what happens when a person has abandoned the self-contradictory concept of separate human races.
Justice is not being done in Ferguson, Missouri was written a month after the riots began in that city. I waited that long before writing and publishing my page, hoping that President Obama's Department of Justice would see that the shooting of a convenience store robber was justified, but he obviously wanted to continue the racial hatred that he had fostered all during his presidency.
Race for Dummies simplifies the logical argument I made in the first page in this series, "The End of Racism". I take the reader, step by step, through the logical process of
Racism at Harvard University was written in early May 2017, soon after I heard that this university had approved a one-race-only graduation ceremony for later that month. This page quotes the journal that announced the racist ceremony and it explains why I was (and still am) opposed to a one-race-only graduation ceremony.
Rally against Racism at Harvard University was a deliberate attempt to organize a rally at Harvard's racist one-race-only graduation ceremony. I was the only person who showed up for the rally, but I didn't mind because I was doing it for the honorable principle of a color-blind society. I protested the rally, during the rally, wearing a custom-made t-shirt. Because Harvard held the same racist event in 2018 and 2019, I protested it both years, during the ceremony. I will return to it again every year they hold it.
Two Versions of Racial Justice in American Television has two stories, both of whom involve Al Roker, who used to give weather forecasts on NBC's Today Show. He criticized Megyn Kelly for asking some members of her television audience about racist attitudes towards Halloween costumes and he ignored the obvious racism of the host of a late-night television show when he wore blackface during a one-man skit on his own show.
A few months after I started blogging, I discovered that California had some drought. This has always bothered me because their western neighbor is the world's largest ocean.
During my research, I learned that this drought had started decades ago and that the state was emptying some water out of their reservoirs into rivers that ended up in the ocean. I also learned that this same state has annual and very destructive wildfires.
Water Economics is the first page, written in August 2012. It's also my most-read page, with over 271,000 Google-confirmed readers since then. A lot of that readership happened from late June 2016 to early August 2016, when there were thousands of readers every day. This page has a lot of news stories about the drought and information about the amount of water that was in certain reservoirs in the state.
The page also outlines a scientific solution that involves transporting filtered seawater to a large, hot, dry, and uninhabited valley in California. This would create a man-made lake, but it was a natural salt-water lake millions of years ago.
When the water enters this valley, some of it would always be evaporating, leaving only the salts behind in the bottom of this new man-made lake. There are many benefits to building the very large-scale infrastructure project that would transport the water to this valley, including an increase in rainwater over a very dry part of the United States. This new source of clean rainwater would allow people to plant and harvest crops, thus increasing the U.S. Gross Domestic Product.
More than two years after I wrote that page, I wrote this page in December 2014 which condensed the basic concepts. It doesn't include the news stories about the low harvests of food crops or the analysis of the university study of the water rights in California, but it does include the step-by-step process of making it rain in the American southwest.
After I published the original page in 2012, there were three periods of intense international readership. The first one began in December 2014 and lasted for about a month and a half. In January 2015, I wrote this page to show some of that readership. After the page was published, there were two other periods where I saw even more daily readership, so I updated the statistics on the page. During the last of these periods, from late June 2016 to early August 2016, there were just over 7,300 readers every day, including weekends and holidays.
In June 2015, I published this page which begins with a look at the California economy. Later in the same page, however, is a very long list of links and sometimes quotes of news stories about the drought in California. I mentioned a few times on that page the fact that a scientific solution to the drought is on another page, and I linked to that page a few times. I have continued to add more links and quotes of news stories about the drought in California, along with stories about flooding whenever that happens in that state.
In July 2016, I wrote this page on another blog. It has the same concepts, but it was written for younger readers. This page includes more graphics, some animated graphics, colored text, and a different writing style.
Also in July 2016, I wrote this page to examine other people's ideas about the drought. I looked at two U.S. Government agencies and a handful of well-known environmental organizations. Overall, I was unimpressed with the scholarship of these organizations. Their pages made many statements without any documentation of their facts, figures, and quotes.
In December 2016, I wrote this page to show my research into the fact that there was once a natural salt-water lake where Death Valley is now.
Also in December 2016, I discovered that an environmental organization called the Natural Resources Defense Council had published an 85-page report in 2004 about the California drought. They linked water use with the energy that was required to transport it. Because their goal was to reduce energy use, their report advocated for a reduction in the use of water, even though this would mean smaller harvests of food crops. I wrote this page to analyze their report.
The last page in this series is based partly on a book that was written by a famous French author and partly on some historical facts. This photo shows the cover of an English-language translation of the book, which was his last one. There is a below-sea-level area inside the Sahara Desert, and it's located less than 100 miles from the Mediterranean Sea.
Those two facts, put together, gave some military engineers an idea in WorldWar II to dig a canal from the sea to the area in the desert so that this would become a new salt-water lake. The individual laws of physics that I mentioned in the first essay in this series would mean that some of this water would become groundwater, and some of it would evaporate, producing rain clouds and eventually rainfall somewhere else.
If a canal was dug that permitted water to flow from the Mediterranean Sea to the low-altitude area within the desert, it's possible that crops could be planted and harvested. This could enable Africa to increase its' total Gross Domestic Product by a significant percentage.
In August 2012, I wrote this page, which shows how a high amount of up-and-down income mobility (defined on the page) results in a high amount of internal peace in any country. The Preamble of the U.S. Constitution uses the term "domestic tranquility", but it means the same thing. If there are ways for a poor person to increase his financial status, and if there are ways for a wealthy person to lose a large portion of his wealth (for example, by being convicted of serious crimes and going to prison), then the people will sense the monetary value of honesty.
In September 2012, I published this page, which makes a distinction between the voluntary financial donations to a church or a charity and the involuntary redistribution of wealth that was the goal of President Obama, according to two YouTube videos that are on the page. One has an audio recording of his words, made in 1998. The other video was recorded in 2008, ten years later, when he was a presidential candidate.
In October 2012, I wrote an essay about the relationship between tax rates and the total amount of tax income that any state or nation receives. I used pictures of brownies like these to illustrate my point. This essay is a personal favorite.
On the page, I showed how a large change in the tax rates caused people to adjust their economic behavior, including how they spend and invest the limited amount of money that they receive from a job.
In November 2012, I wrote this page that celebrates the craftsmanship of the people who helped to grow America. Their crafts became their names. I named some Millers, Bakers, Coopers, Smiths, Wrights, and Masons, and I showed how each of these crafts resulted in a service or a product that make life better for the customers who bought those services or products.
In March 2013, I wrote a page about the freedom of wealthy people to leave a city, a state, or a country if the taxes and regulations imposed by that government were too harsh. The page included news stories about real people who had moved out.
In January 2018, my essay about income mobility, written in August 2012, was too large. i had added a lot of news stories and articles about individual people who had seen large percentage changes in their income. I took the material about individual income mobility and moved to a new page.
The Boy Scouts taught many worthwhile skills to young boys, including how to build a campfire. I wrote this page in July 2012 that told the true story of how I, as an older Boy Scout, was with a group of older boys who went on a weekend camping trip. This page writes about this experience as a way of showing how assets (in this case, it was firewood) could be used to supply a group of people (in this case, it was a small group of Boy Scouts) with something they needed (heat).
This page, written in January 2013, was inspired by a news story about a plan to have the U.S. Mint create a single coin that had a trillion dollars of value. This coin would then be used to make payments on the U.S. National Debt. Even if you ignore the fantasy nature of such a plan, as a simple exercise in economic theory, many dishonest people would be willing to spend a billion dollars (assuming that they had it) in order to steal or rob the U.S. Government of a coin that was worth a trillion dollars.
This page, written in September 2013, stated the need for female professional athletes to have better sports agents. This would result in them having a higher income. The page includes five black-and-white photos of female athletes that I took with a camera in the 1980s, including the one on the right..
In February 2020, I started writing a new section about female athletes at the high school level who had filed a federal civil rights lawsuit on the grounds that boys who self-identified as girls were unfair competition in sports such as wrestling and track and field.
This page, written in January 2014, showed that a broken compact fluorescent light bulb was a potential hazardous substance, according to the laws that were enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency. These laws required any company that had a broken bulb to measure the amount of mercury in the broken bulb and then, to dispose of it properly, depending on how much mercury was in it.
In August 2014, I wrote this page about a real-life example of people "voting with their feet". When the state government in California began debating legislation that would require male porn actors to wear a condom when they filmed sex scenes, some companies that produced these films moved out of the state, and others announced plans to do so.
There are only two ways to stop this geographic shift from happening. Defeat the legislation or build a wall around the state and enforce emigration laws with armed force so that companies cannot leave. This is what happened in Berlin, starting in August 1961.
This page was inspired by an Alex Jones radio show with a fill-in host The host described how a new customer contract for the PayPal payment service would allow that company to take full legal control over the intellectual property (trademarks and copyrights) of the customer. My essay makes a carefully detailed grammatical examination of the terms of this contract. It also examines a few attempts by the PayPal Corporation to deny what their contract clearly says that they are doing.
This page, also written in February 2015, documented U.S. Government fines on companies that totaled tens of billions of dollars. I have added more material to that page since then, and the current total is $115 billion. These fines were levied only during the eight years that B. Hussein Obama was in office. The largest single fine was made against British Petroleum, and Obama's Justice Department fought hard against any effort to lower it, but in the end, the BP Corporation made a sincere and a timely effort to stop the pollution. The Federal court that oversaw the case recognized this.
In February 2015, I wrote two pages on the same day. One was about some of the problems with this U.S. Government program, first proposed by President Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s as part of his New Deal legislation. It was intended to give Americans some guaranteed income when they were too old to work. The poster on the right was part of the campaign to pass the authorizing legislation.
Unfortunately, this program started experiencing some economic problems. Some people who were ineligible for the benefit payments lobbied their legislators to be included, without enough income to cover the payments to these people. One major change happened when benefits began to be paid to people who were younger than the traditional retirement age but who were not physically capable of working. New legislation was passed in 1956 to allow these people to receive Social Security Disability payments.
This created a situation that is similar to the operating loss that some companies experience and are obligated to report to their shareholders. This loss was intensified by many pieces of legislation, including bills that removed the retirement earnings test. This page on the program's website has a record of the debate over this bill.
The first page of this two-page set of essays looks at some of the problems with the program, primarily the imbalance between the income of the program and the benefits paid out by the program.
The second page of this set looks at some possible solutions to this imbalance, including Individual Retirement Accounts and 401(k) plans. It mentions a quote from President Kennedy that is shown in this meme. The evidence for this statement is in the video next to it. It is a time-lapse record of one complete cycle of the tide in one part of Nova Scotia.
The second page also links to information about a presidential commission that had the specific mandate to propose ideas that included accounts whose individual owners could invest their money. This page includes two informative videos, narrated by a college professor, that show that the program offers a very poor return on someone's "investment" of the taxes that are taken out of people's paychecks. An investment of this tax money in a stock index fund during a 20-year time period would vastly improve the amount of money that each person has when he retires.
A third, unfinished page of this series is based on this 2017 Daily Caller article which makes a comparison between the average account balance for a U.S. Government employee who has a Thrift Savings Account and the likely financial needs of a person at that age.
I still add new material to both pages occasionally.
This page also documents some of the threats to our sovereignty, including organized terrorist groups who pretend to be refugee groups, immigrants who are carrying diseases, and sanctuary cities.
The page then shows an excellent 2½-minute video of various construction methods that could be used to build the border wall that Donald Trump said, during the 2016 campaign, that he wanted. The video mentions some of the challenges that the builders will face, including different types of soil and, sometimes, very humid air. The video also predicts a$10 billion cost to build the wall.
I quoted a news story about a judicial ruling that said that a private company could build the border wall. I then stated my personal policy on immigration, which makes a distinction between legal immigrants and illegals.
Then, I quoted three 2016 presidential candidates on the subject of illegal immigration
I mentioned some methods of forcing unarmed and untrained invaders to retreat from our border. They include some high-tech devices that are already in use in some cities for crowd control. Another idea I mentioned is to deploy squads of armed Army or National Guard troops with Rules of Engagement that allow them to fire warning shots over the heads of any invader.
A month later, I started a second blog so that I could write about a wide variety of other subjects. My first page on that second blog told the true story, as I remember it, about an experience I had as a teenager, helping a friend who had a minor medical problem.
Sometime after that, I started writing sequels to some of my original pages. I did this even though some of those original pages had updates. In some cases, the pages that had updates were so long, it was difficult to organize the material, so I moved some of the material that had been on that page to a new page. In other cases, I knew ahead of time that I was going to write a series of pages about one topic, partly because I had a lot of material on that topic.
In one case, I knew that I was going to write a two-page series about Social Security because I had a lot of material about the problems with the current system and a lot of material about possible solutions to those problems.
These are the topics that I have written multiple pages about. The order of these topics is more-or-less the order that the first page in each series was published. Within each topic, the individual pages are usually arranged in the order that they were published, with the oldest ones being listed first.
The End of Racism was the third page I ever wrote. It explains, using a simple logical argument, that the concept of separate human races is a self-contradictory concept. The two main assumptions about race, namely the existence of races and the dominance of one race when a "mixed-race" couple has a biological child, always produce a logical result that contradicts one or both of the original assumptions. This means that those assumptions are logically false.The End of Congressional Racism I asked Congress to ignore the color of the skin of our last president and then to impeach him for the actions he took while in office.
If you See Racism, Speak Up was based on an anti-racism campaign that appeared on a college campus. It used reverse racism to fight racism, a tactic that will always produce racial hatred among many people. This page includes pairs of memes and videos about well-known people, including Barak Obama, Malcolm X, Al Sharpton, and two segregationists (George Wallace and Louis Farrakhan).
The Beginning of Color-Blindness shows what happens when a person has abandoned the self-contradictory concept of separate human races.
Justice is not being done in Ferguson, Missouri was written a month after the riots began in that city. I waited that long before writing and publishing my page, hoping that President Obama's Department of Justice would see that the shooting of a convenience store robber was justified, but he obviously wanted to continue the racial hatred that he had fostered all during his presidency.
Race for Dummies simplifies the logical argument I made in the first page in this series, "The End of Racism". I take the reader, step by step, through the logical process of
Racism at Harvard University was written in early May 2017, soon after I heard that this university had approved a one-race-only graduation ceremony for later that month. This page quotes the journal that announced the racist ceremony and it explains why I was (and still am) opposed to a one-race-only graduation ceremony.
Rally against Racism at Harvard University was a deliberate attempt to organize a rally at Harvard's racist one-race-only graduation ceremony. I was the only person who showed up for the rally, but I didn't mind because I was doing it for the honorable principle of a color-blind society. I protested the rally, during the rally, wearing a custom-made t-shirt. Because Harvard held the same racist event in 2018 and 2019, I protested it both years, during the ceremony. I will return to it again every year they hold it.
Two Versions of Racial Justice in American Television has two stories, both of whom involve Al Roker, who used to give weather forecasts on NBC's Today Show. He criticized Megyn Kelly for asking some members of her television audience about racist attitudes towards Halloween costumes and he ignored the obvious racism of the host of a late-night television show when he wore blackface during a one-man skit on his own show.
California's drought

During my research, I learned that this drought had started decades ago and that the state was emptying some water out of their reservoirs into rivers that ended up in the ocean. I also learned that this same state has annual and very destructive wildfires.
Water Economics is the first page, written in August 2012. It's also my most-read page, with over 271,000 Google-confirmed readers since then. A lot of that readership happened from late June 2016 to early August 2016, when there were thousands of readers every day. This page has a lot of news stories about the drought and information about the amount of water that was in certain reservoirs in the state.
The page also outlines a scientific solution that involves transporting filtered seawater to a large, hot, dry, and uninhabited valley in California. This would create a man-made lake, but it was a natural salt-water lake millions of years ago.
When the water enters this valley, some of it would always be evaporating, leaving only the salts behind in the bottom of this new man-made lake. There are many benefits to building the very large-scale infrastructure project that would transport the water to this valley, including an increase in rainwater over a very dry part of the United States. This new source of clean rainwater would allow people to plant and harvest crops, thus increasing the U.S. Gross Domestic Product.
Other benefits include a reduction in the fire danger in California and a reduction in the rate of the increase in the ocean water levels. This 30-second video is a preview of a four-part PBS series about the danger of rising water levels to some cities around the world. Each episode is one hour. The four cities are London, New York, Miami, and Tokyo. Each city has a different method of dealing with the water. |
More than two years after I wrote that page, I wrote this page in December 2014 which condensed the basic concepts. It doesn't include the news stories about the low harvests of food crops or the analysis of the university study of the water rights in California, but it does include the step-by-step process of making it rain in the American southwest.
After I published the original page in 2012, there were three periods of intense international readership. The first one began in December 2014 and lasted for about a month and a half. In January 2015, I wrote this page to show some of that readership. After the page was published, there were two other periods where I saw even more daily readership, so I updated the statistics on the page. During the last of these periods, from late June 2016 to early August 2016, there were just over 7,300 readers every day, including weekends and holidays.
In June 2015, I published this page which begins with a look at the California economy. Later in the same page, however, is a very long list of links and sometimes quotes of news stories about the drought in California. I mentioned a few times on that page the fact that a scientific solution to the drought is on another page, and I linked to that page a few times. I have continued to add more links and quotes of news stories about the drought in California, along with stories about flooding whenever that happens in that state.
In July 2016, I wrote this page on another blog. It has the same concepts, but it was written for younger readers. This page includes more graphics, some animated graphics, colored text, and a different writing style.
Also in July 2016, I wrote this page to examine other people's ideas about the drought. I looked at two U.S. Government agencies and a handful of well-known environmental organizations. Overall, I was unimpressed with the scholarship of these organizations. Their pages made many statements without any documentation of their facts, figures, and quotes.
In December 2016, I wrote this page to show my research into the fact that there was once a natural salt-water lake where Death Valley is now.
Also in December 2016, I discovered that an environmental organization called the Natural Resources Defense Council had published an 85-page report in 2004 about the California drought. They linked water use with the energy that was required to transport it. Because their goal was to reduce energy use, their report advocated for a reduction in the use of water, even though this would mean smaller harvests of food crops. I wrote this page to analyze their report.

Those two facts, put together, gave some military engineers an idea in World
If a canal was dug that permitted water to flow from the Mediterranean Sea to the low-altitude area within the desert, it's possible that crops could be planted and harvested. This could enable Africa to increase its' total Gross Domestic Product by a significant percentage.
Economic Theory
The second blog page I ever wrote shows how a truly free market is self-regulating. When people make poor economic choices, they pay an economic price for those choices. At that point, Charles Darwin's "survival of the fittest" principle becomes active. Smart people will learn from their mistakes and stupid people will keep making poor choices. As a rule, the inherent competition in a free market encourages people who own a business to offer high quality products and services at a low price to the customer (because these business owners are competing for the customer).In August 2012, I wrote this page, which shows how a high amount of up-and-down income mobility (defined on the page) results in a high amount of internal peace in any country. The Preamble of the U.S. Constitution uses the term "domestic tranquility", but it means the same thing. If there are ways for a poor person to increase his financial status, and if there are ways for a wealthy person to lose a large portion of his wealth (for example, by being convicted of serious crimes and going to prison), then the people will sense the monetary value of honesty.
In September 2012, I published this page, which makes a distinction between the voluntary financial donations to a church or a charity and the involuntary redistribution of wealth that was the goal of President Obama, according to two YouTube videos that are on the page. One has an audio recording of his words, made in 1998. The other video was recorded in 2008, ten years later, when he was a presidential candidate.
In October 2012, I wrote an essay about the relationship between tax rates and the total amount of tax income that any state or nation receives. I used pictures of brownies like these to illustrate my point. This essay is a personal favorite.
Each brownie represents a $10,000 block of family income, so one photo represents $10,000 and the other photo represents $30,000.
In November 2012, I wrote this page that celebrates the craftsmanship of the people who helped to grow America. Their crafts became their names. I named some Millers, Bakers, Coopers, Smiths, Wrights, and Masons, and I showed how each of these crafts resulted in a service or a product that make life better for the customers who bought those services or products.
In March 2013, I wrote a page about the freedom of wealthy people to leave a city, a state, or a country if the taxes and regulations imposed by that government were too harsh. The page included news stories about real people who had moved out.
In January 2018, my essay about income mobility, written in August 2012, was too large. i had added a lot of news stories and articles about individual people who had seen large percentage changes in their income. I took the material about individual income mobility and moved to a new page.
Applied Economics
The basic principles of economics, including the relationship between supply and demand, the effects of government operations on individuals and families, and the consequences of our economic choices, are applied to real-life situations, as described below.The Boy Scouts taught many worthwhile skills to young boys, including how to build a campfire. I wrote this page in July 2012 that told the true story of how I, as an older Boy Scout, was with a group of older boys who went on a weekend camping trip. This page writes about this experience as a way of showing how assets (in this case, it was firewood) could be used to supply a group of people (in this case, it was a small group of Boy Scouts) with something they needed (heat).
This page, written in January 2013, was inspired by a news story about a plan to have the U.S. Mint create a single coin that had a trillion dollars of value. This coin would then be used to make payments on the U.S. National Debt. Even if you ignore the fantasy nature of such a plan, as a simple exercise in economic theory, many dishonest people would be willing to spend a billion dollars (assuming that they had it) in order to steal or rob the U.S. Government of a coin that was worth a trillion dollars.

In February 2020, I started writing a new section about female athletes at the high school level who had filed a federal civil rights lawsuit on the grounds that boys who self-identified as girls were unfair competition in sports such as wrestling and track and field.

In August 2014, I wrote this page about a real-life example of people "voting with their feet". When the state government in California began debating legislation that would require male porn actors to wear a condom when they filmed sex scenes, some companies that produced these films moved out of the state, and others announced plans to do so.
There are only two ways to stop this geographic shift from happening. Defeat the legislation or build a wall around the state and enforce emigration laws with armed force so that companies cannot leave. This is what happened in Berlin, starting in August 1961.
This page was inspired by an Alex Jones radio show with a fill-in host The host described how a new customer contract for the PayPal payment service would allow that company to take full legal control over the intellectual property (trademarks and copyrights) of the customer. My essay makes a carefully detailed grammatical examination of the terms of this contract. It also examines a few attempts by the PayPal Corporation to deny what their contract clearly says that they are doing.
This page, also written in February 2015, documented U.S. Government fines on companies that totaled tens of billions of dollars. I have added more material to that page since then, and the current total is $115 billion. These fines were levied only during the eight years that B. Hussein Obama was in office. The largest single fine was made against British Petroleum, and Obama's Justice Department fought hard against any effort to lower it, but in the end, the BP Corporation made a sincere and a timely effort to stop the pollution. The Federal court that oversaw the case recognized this.
Social Security

Unfortunately, this program started experiencing some economic problems. Some people who were ineligible for the benefit payments lobbied their legislators to be included, without enough income to cover the payments to these people. One major change happened when benefits began to be paid to people who were younger than the traditional retirement age but who were not physically capable of working. New legislation was passed in 1956 to allow these people to receive Social Security Disability payments.
This created a situation that is similar to the operating loss that some companies experience and are obligated to report to their shareholders. This loss was intensified by many pieces of legislation, including bills that removed the retirement earnings test. This page on the program's website has a record of the debate over this bill.
The first page of this two-page set of essays looks at some of the problems with the program, primarily the imbalance between the income of the program and the benefits paid out by the program.
The second page of this set looks at some possible solutions to this imbalance, including Individual Retirement Accounts and 401(k) plans. It mentions a quote from President Kennedy that is shown in this meme. The evidence for this statement is in the video next to it. It is a time-lapse record of one complete cycle of the tide in one part of Nova Scotia.
When the tide comes in, every boat rises.
The second page also links to information about a presidential commission that had the specific mandate to propose ideas that included accounts whose individual owners could invest their money. This page includes two informative videos, narrated by a college professor, that show that the program offers a very poor return on someone's "investment" of the taxes that are taken out of people's paychecks. An investment of this tax money in a stock index fund during a 20-year time period would vastly improve the amount of money that each person has when he retires.
A third, unfinished page of this series is based on this 2017 Daily Caller article which makes a comparison between the average account balance for a U.S. Government employee who has a Thrift Savings Account and the likely financial needs of a person at that age.
Illegal Immigration
This was originally one long page, but even after I wrote and published it in December 2015, I kept adding more material to it, so in October 2017, I moved the second half of it to a new page.I still add new material to both pages occasionally.
The first page
This page begins with a statement of the importance of maintaining America's sovereignty, including our border with Mexico. America and Mexico are now cooperating in this effort. The mass-immigration of foreigners is a drain on the financial resources of the United States. The previous U.S. President didn't enforce U.S. immigration laws, as was required by his Oath of Office, so American patriots began to defend our border themselves.This page also documents some of the threats to our sovereignty, including organized terrorist groups who pretend to be refugee groups, immigrants who are carrying diseases, and sanctuary cities.
The page then shows an excellent 2½-minute video of various construction methods that could be used to build the border wall that Donald Trump said, during the 2016 campaign, that he wanted. The video mentions some of the challenges that the builders will face, including different types of soil and, sometimes, very humid air. The video also predicts a
I quoted a news story about a judicial ruling that said that a private company could build the border wall. I then stated my personal policy on immigration, which makes a distinction between legal immigrants and illegals.
Then, I quoted three 2016 presidential candidates on the subject of illegal immigration
I mentioned some methods of forcing unarmed and untrained invaders to retreat from our border. They include some high-tech devices that are already in use in some cities for crowd control. Another idea I mentioned is to deploy squads of armed Army or National Guard troops with Rules of Engagement that allow them to fire warning shots over the heads of any invader.
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